
Site Feature Upgrades Site News 

  • As part of testing the site some of you will find there are already accounts created under your name. I have sent an email to most (if not all) of you which if you reply I can send you over the login details so you can take the account over.

    If you didn't get an email just contact me on twitter (@creators_fm) and I will sort it out.

Site Feature Upgrades

A couple of updates about site improvements for creators, all related to tweets (although the second one has a wider site implication)

Automatic Tweeting

Previously only Featured Creators posts were automatically tweeted, that was due to the Tweeting addon only having permissions that were forum based not user based. With some custom coding now any post by either a featured or verified creator will be auto tweeted out for increased visibility. Tweets will now also include your Twitter handle to help make it easier for users to follow you.

Thread Tags

When creating a thread you now have the opportunity to create up to 6 tags. These will not only let users filter for specific tops easier but these tags will be included in the tweets. All Tweets already include #FootballManager so you don't need to use this

There are already some predefined tags these include #fm21, #FM21Beta, #experiment, #GameGuide, #PlayerGuide, #TeamGuide, #tipsandtricks and #tactics (Start typing and it will show pre-created tags that match what you have typed) the but if there is one missing you can create your own. I recommend including a tag for the team you are playing as (if it's relating to a team), a series name hashtag, maybe a hashtag for yourself and the game version plus maybe a key part of your video.

For example lollujo lollujo video yesterday might be #LCFC #FM21beta, #lollujo, #donnarumma (And if this had been his part of his Non-League to Legend series he would include #nonleaguetolegend

REMEMBER when creating tags to include the # before it. Also when adding multiple tags either press enter after each or include a common to separate them

With thread tags I may also look to bulk change prefixes so that we get rid of things like the Guide prefix as tags make them a bit redundant. Prefixes will then be restricted to either the creator name for verified creators or for featured creators a choice between name and series name (And if I can work out how to limit prefixes options to just a single user rather than them being restricted by forum I may even retire the username prefixes as then all verified creators can have series prefixes without the prefix dropdown being 500 items long)
